Most of pregnancy typically lasts around 30 to 40 weeks, however as we say it over and over again, each case is different for every pregnant woman. One woman may experience labor symptoms at 37 weeks but another woman doesn’t even experience any symptoms at 40 weeks. You might start worrying or asking yourself what’s happening, what you can do. The question is; how do you do pumping process to induce labor? One process, which is nipple stimulation, through pumping might help you bring on contractions if you think you passed your due date. In this article, I will share the steps on how to pump to induce labor.
Did your due date come and go? Can hardly wait one more moment to carry your child in your arms? Assuming this is the case, you’re most likely tingling to give your body a little bump to bring on labor. While there are no surefire strategies to birth your child into the world, there is some exploration to move down these common approaches to initiate labor, if your body is prepared to collaborate. In regard with this matter, consult with your doctor before you do the job. Once you’ve gotten the green light from your specialist or maternity specialist, simply ahead and discover how to pump to induce labor.
Inducing Labor through Nipple Stimulation
Nipple stimulation is now and then used to actually induce labor, accelerate pre-labor and help the uterus contract down after the birth. Nipple stimulation can likewise be utilized amid labor to reinforce constrictions. This might be prompted for laboring women who find that their compressions have moderated or ceased. Nipple stimulation can make withdrawals turn out to be more powerful by making them more grounded and more.
Here are the basic steps you can do to stimulate nipples to induce labor:
Cover your breasts with wet towel, but make sure the towel is soaked with warm water. The warm towel will help your breasts to get warm.
Uncover your breast every after 5 minute and place the pump shield on.
Pump one of your breasts for 15 minutes and remove the pump shield. After removing the breast pump shield, cover the breast with another towel. You should remember that your breasts might not produce milk. Keep in mind that you goal is to stimulate the nipples.
Uncover other breast. Do the same thing you previously did on your other breast. Put the pump shield on, pump for another 15 minutes. If you feel a contraction, stop pumping. When the contractions are no longer felt, resume pumping.
Again, remove the pump and cover your breast with the warm towel. If you begin to feel contractions, time it to check if it stays consistent and regular. Don’t pump if the contractions are 3 minutes apart and 1 minute long.
However, you can start the pumping process if you’re not experiencing contractions. Pump each of your breasts for approximately 5 minutes. Do this for 1 hour, 3 times every day.
Other Methods

Some practitioners believe that acupuncture can induce labor. The key is beginning the practice early and often. Various pressure points are safe to press starting at 37 weeks. You can increase pressure the closer you are to your due date and during labor itself. But prior to applying acupuncure to yourself, make sure you get proper instruction from a trained acupressure professional.
If acupuncture doesn’t get your labor going, it’s still an excellent way to alleviate pain and discomfort during delivery.
Here are some of the acupuncture points you can try to apply.
1. Spleen 6 Point
The spleen 6 point is considered one of the more versatile and commonly used points. It’s used for many conditions, including labor induction.
Known as Sanyinjiao, it is located above the ankle, on the backside of the shinbone (lower calf). It’s just about the distance of four finger widths above the inner ankle bone.
What to do: Use your index finger to apply firm pressure on the point for a few seconds. Take a one-minute break before repeating.
2. Bladder 60 Point
A few inches below the Speen 6 point is the Bladder 60 Point. This point is known as the Kunlun, named after the mountain range in Asia.
The Kunlun point is located on the foot, in the depression between the ankle and the Achilles tendon. It’s known to promote labor, ease labor pain, and reduce obstruction.
What to do: Use your thumb to apply light pressure to the BL60 and massage the point for a few minutes.
3. Pericardium 8 Point
Known as Laogong, or labor palace, the Pericardium 8 point is very useful in inducing labor.
It’s located in the center of the palm. You can find it easily by making a fist and finding the point where your middle finger tip touches your palm.
What to do: Use the thumb of your other hand to apply light pressure to the point. Massage for a few seconds.
You can do exercises like climbing on the stair or a long stroll. The gravity will help you widen your cervix through straightforward weight infant drop more distant into your birth canal and. Regardless of the possibility that this technique doesn’t work, it’s an extraordinary approach to keep your body strong for the assignment ahead and to relieve stress.
Membrane Stripping
Medical providers will suggest that you strip your membranes to induce labor. In spite of the fact that this method is done in the workplace, there are no meds included. Your specialist will utilize a gloved finger to isolate the amniotic sac from the uterine wall. This activity discharges a greater amount of prostaglandins.
Taking after the strategy, you may encounter spasms and spotting. On the off chance that you encounter bleeding like a menstrual period, it is best to contact your specialist.
Spicy Foods
Possibly you ought to go out for any spicy foods this evening, like Mexican food. Foods that are spicy will make your body to discharge prostaglandins all through the stomach related process. These particular hormones will trigger compressions in the uterus. In any event, you’ll appreciate a wonderful feast without washing the dishes.
Bumpy Car Ride
It is discovered in a research that a bumpy car ride has the possibility of inducing labor. This famous thought is flowed on birth sheets and advances around town by means of verbal. Sadly, there’s not a considerable measure of proof to propose that it really works.
On the off chance that you try this out, simply recall to drive securely and dependably lock in.
Evening Primrose Oil
Despite the fact that Evening Primrose Oil itself may not bring about labor, however it can and relax your cervix. You can take this oil orally or embed it vaginally for the best outcomes. While social insurance suppliers have since quite a while ago recommended taking EPO to simplicity birth, however there is minimal confirmation that it normally actuates work.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Birthing specialists regularly prescribe drinking red raspberry leaf tea in blend with the evening primrose oil as your due date nears. It is discovered in a research that the tea conditions the uterus and arranges sporadic withdrawals into normal, profitable examples. Regardless of the possibility that it doesn’t work, you’ll remain hydrated.
There are considerable measures of reasons why you ought to induce labor. For instance, you’re still pregnant possibly 14 days past your due date. Specialists exhort holding up no longer than that to conceive an offspring since it puts you and your infant at more serious hazard for an assortment of issues. Another circumstance is your water breaks and your labor doesn’t begin all alone. For this situation, you’ll be prompted to decrease the danger of a contamination in your uterus or your child, which is to a greater degree a worry once your films have burst.
I hope you got what the answers to your questions as how to pump to induce labor.