You and your husband plan to have a baby this year. As a result, you take care of your health regarding foods, light and frequent exercises, and of course, basic knowledge relevant to the pregnancy. Searching on the Internet for what you have to pay more attention to getting pregnant, but there is little information satisfying your question “How long does implantation take?”
You want to know this to control the time of pregnancy and prepare yourself best for your future kid. You also don’t want to miss the beginning of pregnancy. This article shall facilitate you with a clear and complete answer to your wonder.
What is implantation?
As widely understood by women, implantation occurs during a woman’s pregnancy where the egg adheres to the uterus wall. It is considered the beginning of pregnancy, which is also a part of the conception process. Some implantation symptoms might occur at this stage but are not too evident. Therefore, women are often ignorant of them and miss the first phase of pregnancy.
According to gynecologists, implantation is a fundamental hurdle for a pregnancy to cross, thereby deciding whether you get pregnant clearly. Even though women track their menstrual period carefully and predict precisely the day of egg implantation, it is tough to confirm 100% when implantation occurs.
Implantation is a long process with many internal processes taking place before the occurrence of implantation. Speaking briefly, it often takes around 7 to 10 days for implantation to occur after ovulation, but sometimes this can happen sooner or earlier. This post shall explain step by step what exactly happens inside your body when it comes to implantation.
How does implantation take place in a feminine body?
As I said before, implantation occurs right after egg ovulation. Eggs grow and erupt inside the ovary of a woman. This process lasts for two weeks and is regarded as an ideal time for a woman to get pregnant. The egg stays in the fallopian tube for about 24 hours and waits for sperm to fertilize it. This is the time of ovulation and often happens about two weeks after a women’s nearest period.
In other words, ovulation occurs in the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Some might detect this process by using different methods based on changes in body temperature or tests on ovulation, but the result is not reliable.
Usually, five days before ovulation shall mark the starting day of the fertilization process. Why five days? This time is the maximum time for the sperm’s lifespan. Consequently, sex usually ends in conception, which is another word that shares the same meaning as fertilization.
It takes up to 12 to 24 hours for the occurrence of fertilization after ovulation, which is a perfect time for the ovum to stay alive. Some couples cannot conceive during the first months of planning to have a pregnancy or calculate the best time for fertilization. Don’t worry! You can prepare a diary to track your period and control your body’s most minor changes.
Please watch the video below to understand the fertilization process better.
Now you can keep asking how many days after fertilization implantation happens. Read further below to catch your knowledge.
How long does implantation take?
After intercourse and conception, the egg moves from the fallopian tubes to the uterus. The egg divides itself within the next 6 to 7 days and experiences various formations. Firstly, the egg turns from a zygote into a morula. The second formation takes place when the morula transforms into a blastocyst. The following 2 to 3 days experience the movement of the embryo moving in the uterus. That is the end of implantation preparation.
Implantation occurs earliest on day three or day five since ovulation and latest on day 12. It varies among women. For this reason, you should not worry much or compare yourself with others. You might sense the implantation symptoms if you are sensitive and lucky enough. Please refer to your doctors’ advice for any change in your lifestyle and diet to have a better chance of getting pregnant.

Some implantation symptoms you should know
It is not abnormal if you do not experience any sign of implantation listed below. However, you should obtain some standard details of such symptoms just in case.
Implantation spotting
Some women might be uncomfortable with pinkish discharge, which looks like blood drops during the implantation process. Don’t worry! This won’t last long, a maximum of three days.
Pregnancy toxicosis
Right after blastocyst is embedded into the uterus, it releases some elements due to its essential functions, leading to pregnancy toxicosis.
Implantation cramping
There is no doubt that you might feel cramps sometimes. However, if your cramps happen so frequently, ask your gynecologist immediately for advice in case of abnormal situations.
Fluctuation in progesterone level
A blood test can only check progesterone levels. However, such change does not cause a significant increase in the woman’s body temperature.
Now that you have acknowledged the answer, “How long does implantation take” to have a better plan for your pregnancy. At the beginning of implantation, specific signals can be insignificant to notice. Despite that, you should make sure implantation goes well and that you get pregnant. Your home gynecologist or a pregnancy test shall provide you with a correct answer.
All you have to do is cross your finger for the next beautiful nine months.
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